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.NET – Fastest Way to Load Text File To SQL – SqlBulkCopy

An exercise in coding. Loading a text file to SQL. There are a billion different ways to do it, and depending on your source data format and such, you can parse the file a million ways too. But how fast can you get data from disk to SQL using .NET code? (VB.NET or C#) . This post is going to show the differences in some of the ways you can load data from disk to SQL.

I am sure I could do more, but this is a good sampling. Lets assume a 1,00,000 row file, comma separated with 3 columns, string, int, string of variable length. Lets assume our destination is SQL Server 2005, table already created, no keys or anything on the table.

We will call our table LoadedData. Our test app will be a VB.NET Console Application, running on the same box as SQL 2005 is loaded. Now, there are many ways to load files. A few are: Reading them line by line, ReadToEnd() and also using the JET engine to read in a CSV, etc. From the testing I have been doing, all of these seem to work fairly fast, maybe a comparison on these is for another blog post, but for brevity’s sake, lets just say they are all comparable. Now, I chose 3 methods of inserting data.

1) StreamReader.ReadLine, Insert Line By Line

Sub Method1()
    Dim i As Long = 0

    Dim sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(filename)
    Dim line As String = sr.ReadLine()
    Dim dbConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("MyDB").ToString())
    Dim dbCmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand()
    dbCmd.Connection = dbConn

    Dim wholeFile As String = sr.ReadToEnd()

        Dim fields() As String = line.Split(",")

        dbCmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO dbo.TestData (Column1,Column2,Column3) " & _
        " VALUES (‘" & fields(0) & "’," & fields(1) & ",’" & fields(2) & "’)"

        i = i + 1
        line = sr.ReadLine()

    Loop While Not line = String.Empty

End Sub

2) StreamReader.ReadLine, Batch Insert With DataAdapter

Sub Method2()
    Dim i As Long = 0
    Dim dbConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("MyDB").ToString())
    Dim sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(filename)
    Dim line As String = sr.ReadLine()

    Dim strArray As String() = line.Split(",")
    Dim dt As DataTable = New DataTable()
    Dim row As DataRow

    For Each s As String In strArray
        dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn())


        row = dt.NewRow()
        row.ItemArray = line.Split(",")


        i = i + 1
        line = sr.ReadLine()

    Loop While Not line = String.Empty

    Dim dataAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter()

    dataAdapter.SelectCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT TOP 1 Column1,Column2,Column3 from dbo.TestData", dbConn)

    Dim cmdBuilder As SqlCommandBuilder = New SqlCommandBuilder(dataAdapter)


    Dim ds As DataSet = New DataSet

    dataAdapter.UpdateBatchSize = 1000

End Sub

3) StreamReader.ReadLine, SqlBulkCopy

Sub Method3()
    Dim i As Long = 0
    Dim dbConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("MyDB").ToString())
    Dim sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(filename)
    Dim line As String = sr.ReadLine()

    Dim strArray As String() = line.Split(",")
    Dim dt As DataTable = New DataTable()
    Dim row As DataRow

    For Each s As String In strArray
        dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn())


        row = dt.NewRow()
        row.ItemArray = line.Split(",")


        i = i + 1
        line = sr.ReadLine()

    Loop While Not line = String.Empty

    Dim bc As SqlBulkCopy = New SqlBulkCopy(dbConn, SqlBulkCopyOptions.TableLock, Nothing)
    bc.DestinationTableName = "TestData"

    bc.BatchSize = dt.Rows.Count

End Sub

The results of the 3 methods are surprising. The thing is, most people are going to use Method1 because it just is the first thing you think of doing, and maybe the easiest to code (everyone learns loops in school, etc) – now, nitpickers will say "use a stored proc" etc – that will save minimal time, and in best practice yes, but for the sake of the example bear with it..

Method2 is less intuitive, and really tricky to get working (at least I had some issues with it) but once it works, it makes a little bit more sense then Method1.

Method3 is something that no one ever hears or uses, but once they do, they never go back.

Side note: about 5 years ago I worked on a program that inserted huge files, and they were taking 10-20 minutes a piece. I was using VB6, and converted the line by line insert to use BCP from code and got it down to 2-3 minutes, which was good. So I know about BCP and BULK INSERT. I just didn’t know it was built into .NET, now I do..anyways, on to the results.

Method 1- 14.69 minutes to insert 1 million records

Method 2 – 7.88 minutes to insert 1 million records

Method 3 – 0.28 minutes to insert 1 million records

So yeah. Wow. That is not a typo for Method 3. Roughly 17 seconds. Now, give Method2 so credit, it reduced the time from Method1 by 50% but Method3 just KILLS them both. Man, just awesome. When you run something like that and see that kind of performance, you can’t help but smile.

A few caveats and gotchas:

Method2 – the BatchSize property I have set to 1000. If you set to 0 it uses the max. I tried this and locke
d my machine up. Yikes.

Method3 – The SqlBulkCopyOptions makes a difference – TableLock speeds up the operation. The BatchSize here I have set to the # of rows, It might run differently with different batch sizes, I really didn’t experiment with it, but adding the Copy Options and BatchSize, it sped up the operations.

So, the fastest way I have found in .NET to load data from files to sql – hands down – SqlBulkCopy. Since it took 17 seconds, The next step is to try different file reading methods and see what time times are there, like I said, maybe that will be my next post. 🙂

p.s. yes I am up at 2:00 AM posting this, insomnia anyone? In any event I got to watch the repeat of the Nevada Democratic Debate 🙂

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By Steve Novoselac

Director of Digital Technology @TrekBikes, Father, Musician, Cyclist, Homebrewer

38 replies on “.NET – Fastest Way to Load Text File To SQL – SqlBulkCopy”


I do recommend you try the union approach. Not sure why it wouldn’t get used under the hood in 2), but I have certainly found it to be very quick, and unlike 3) it will work without particularly weird coding and against a variety of database systems.

I suspect also that your test is a bit flattering to bulk in this case since it has no keys, which is hardly useful in practice for a million rows.


not sure what the UNION approach is, but yeah, even if I put I primary key, I think the bulk (#3) would still beat out the others, especially if the # of records was higher. There is just no way you are going to be make sequential inserts faster.


You go:

insert t ()
select ()
union select ()
union select ()
union …

SQLServer bulk should be fastest but I suspect it has a setup overhead and will be a lot less optimised with indices and triggers involved.

The statement above can be used anywhere a simple insert can be used, so you can insert to several tables in a single TSQL batch – or from a trigger, stored proc etc.

And the performance can be rather impressive.

Bulk has its place – and its easier on SQLServer than Sybase – but also some limitations.


Yeah, I dont know how you would really use that in a stored proc unless you knew the values in advance. If I get any motivation, I might open up the project I made to test this and add that, but Id bet money it doesn’t perform as well as SqlBulk.


I suspect it won’t be as fast as bulk – but as you add indices and any triggers, the gap will narrow, and you don’t have any awkward setup tasks that don’t use simple statements. I think you’ll find

I don’t understand your comment about knowing values in advance? Same for everything – in this case you can at least prepare a statement that inserts 10 rows, for example.

Admitedly you’re not going to _prepare_ an insert that does 1000 rows like this (seem to remember I’ve executed statements like that though), but it makes it easy to use one code path that builds insertion batches for master detail – providing you can preallocate the master keys rather than expecting an insert trigger to do it for you.
The parse and plan time seems low enough that its reasonable
to send and execute without a prep.

You can send a complex batch like this:

begin tran
insert master (…) select (…) union select (…) union select (…)
insert detail (…) select (…) union select (…) union select (…) … etc
insert sub_detail (…) select (…) union select (…) union select (…) … etc

as one RPC to the server. Its very flexible.

Like I said, a million rows into a table with no index isn’t particularly representative – it can change the amount of logging performed for example – I do encourage you try the tests with a more representative schema.


knowing the values in advance? well with a stored proc, passing in values, or are you just saying pass in a string and execute it in a stored proc? otherwise you need to parameterize your proc and pass in values, not sure how you could do that without knowing in advance.

The test wasn’t on master/detail/subdetail values, just a bulk log file of values. The only key that I would possibly add would be a primary key, and in this case (in the test), it would have probably just been an auto index, I don’t see how that would hinder the performance too much.

This test is just inserting a ton of values from a log file to a database. With master/detail things would have to be done differently, of course, you couldn’t really bulk insert without doing something different, but for what I was trying to represent, the tests themselves speak for what I was trying to convey.


Well, the data can be parameters, or calculated from them, or expanded from a blob param or whatever. No matter – we have to decide the data values at some point.

Granted that bulk insert of a log file is a ‘standard’ BCP scenario, but even then I’d normally expect to see an index in place before its useful. Of course, creating the index after import is quite normal – partly becauuse the bulk import is so much slower if you have indices in place.

If all you care about is bulk log record insert then so be it. I’m really not arguing that BCP or the SQLServer bulk facility isn’t the fastest way to do this – but its just not very generalised and a multi-row insert that can be done anywhere you can do a normal insert statement is a whole lot more flexible. And it can be surprisingly fast.


Thank you very much for this post. Using the SqlBulkCopy method made my bulk inserts 100 times faster than using DataAdapter w/updatebatchsize property, even though my table has 2 indices.


Thank u very much for ur valuable code its works correctly only string data. but
the text file had datatime value its cant convert to string to date time . Following exception throws “The given value of type String from the data source cannot be converted to type datetime of the specified target column.”

how to fix this problem



I have exactly same problem as sabarish with data type conversion from string to datetime and an exception is thrown. Has anyone found a solution?


Thanks for the quick and easy intro to this powerful feature. Very helpful.

In case of files that contain millions(2 or 3 mil) with 20 columns, it would be advisable to read a batch of rows from the file and write to the db, right? This will help avoid loading the entire file into the DataTable inside the loop.
Or is there any other way to do this in .NET?

The other thing to note is that you have tested this on the same box as the SQL Server which eliminates network delays/latencies et al… That number will be location specific, however….


Im toying around with your examples but cannot get the SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings(“MyDB”).tostring()) to work. It doesnt recognize the ConfigurationManager. Do I need an import to involk this? Im not familiar with it.
Paul S


i am getting this error :
The given value of type String from the data source cannot be
converted to type decimal of the specified target column.

when run this command

how can i assign value or define value for this column may data of this column is null and type of this column is decimal so its can not be converting string to decimal ,

help me plz i am stuck !


i also use this
SqlBulkCopy bc = new SqlBulkCopy(connection, SqlBulkCopyOptions.KeepNulls , null);


but still error comes
type conversion error cannt converted string to decimal or
string to date , becouse fiels is empty in text file
error comes on this line


help me 😦


Please some one help me out ….

i have code modified some thing like this

Sub method3()
Dim i As Long = 0
Dim dbConn As SqlConnection = New SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings(“TEST_DB”).ToString())
Dim sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(“D:MSPLNYERXX”)
Dim line As String = sr.ReadLine()

Dim strArray As String() = line.Split(“|”c)
Dim dt As DataTable = New DataTable()
Dim row As DataRow

For Each s As String In strArray
dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn())


row = dt.NewRow()
row.ItemArray = line.Split(“,”c)


i = i + 1
line = sr.ReadLine()

Loop While Not line = String.Empty

Dim bc As SqlBulkCopy = New SqlBulkCopy(dbConn, SqlBulkCopyOptions.TableLock, Nothing)
bc.DestinationTableName = “MSPLNYERX”

bc.BatchSize = dt.Rows.Count

End Sub

can any one tell me what is going wrong
.. ihave used this in my script component task

BUt Unluckly i have encounterd with the following error 😦
Error: The script files failed to load.


can any one help me to achieve the method 3

Itwould be good if any one one of u give me detailed steps to achive this.
because i am new into this . net stream.


Thanks in advance
Prasanna KJ


Had the same problem – The given value of type String from the data source cannot be
converted to type decimal of the specified target column.

For me, this was due to whole columns having value NULL.

What I did was to add the column mapping before starting using:
For Each col As DataColumn In SourceDataTable
bulkData.ColumnMappings.Add(col.ColumnName, col.ColumnName)


For me, I was reading data from an input file and the column with dates in it was in a different date format then the regional settings on my computer. I changed regional settings – short date setting – on my computer to match the date format in the import file.


I am having problems with the database “corrupting” after Method 3 (have not tried the others yet).

After running Method3 all the rows are inserted OK: I can run a Count(*) query OK to return the number of rows, but when a try to connect again (rerunning the application) I get an error saying the MDR file is the wrong size of the LDR file is locked.

Any ideas?


Man, this is really awesome. I've been looking for a way to insert 900 million rows very quickly and this is the way to do it.Thanks,


I have a SQL table with first column 'CODE' as autoincrement.I am inserting fresh rows in this table from a datagridview (bound to a datatable) using sqlbulkcopy.Now how can I get back the 'CODE' values of the inserted rows to be displayed into the datagridview.Shall be pleased to receive Help and advice.


Really helpful post. I found issues in Method 3 due to data types so I am creating the structure by creating a datatable populated from the destination table. I loaded 1 million rows in under 16 seconds so very happy with the speed now. I reckon if you load the whole text file into memory and work from there it could be even quicker but why bother.


yep, see in the post “Side note: about 5 years ago I worked on a program that inserted huge files, and they were taking 10-20 minutes a piece. I was using VB6, and converted the line by line insert to use BCP from code and got it down to 2-3 minutes, which was good. So I know about BCP and BULK INSERT. I just didn’t know it was built into .NET,”


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